Exploring the future of work

I'm Philip, and Contraption Company encompasses my writings and projects.

I am curious about about toolmaking, software craftsmanship, and the future of online work. I write to think. And, I build tools and communities that I want to exist.

Follow Contraption Company by subscribing to its essays and podcast.

The opportunity of tech talent agents

The opportunity of tech talent agents

With the shift to remote work, companies unlocked a global labor pool. Job posts began receiving hundreds of applications each. In the past months, AI tools accelerated this problem by enabling candidates to spray-and-pray applications to hundreds of jobs at a time. Companies are struggling to hire amid a sea of noise. According to the Paradox of Choice, when faced with multiple options, people either approach the problem as “maximizers” seeking the best option or as “satisficers” who settle for a “good enough” choice. The status quo is fine for companies looking for “good enough” candidates, such as big corporations....

Before and after Almost Perfect

Before and after Almost Perfect

At the beginning of this year, I spent a couple of weeks at the Almost Perfect creative residence in Tokyo, run by Luis and Yuka. This week Luis and Yuka published a podcast we recorded during my residence. The first half was recorded on the first day of my stay, and the second half was recorded on the last day. We discuss the creative process, attitudes toward work in Japan, and how my thinking evolved during my time at Almost Perfect. Use the player below to listen, or check out the episode on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Links from the...

Coding a Booklet AI feature

Coding a Booklet AI feature

This morning, I added a new feature to Booklet. I used OpenAI to suggest new posts to write, to make it easier for members to post. It looks like this: Inspired by a podcast I was listening to on the way to my office, I decided to record the process of building the feature and publish it as a video. You can watch the full video below, where I go from idea to launching the feature to all Booklet communities in two and a half hours. I hope it’s helpful to see how I work, the tools I use, and...

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